Extracurricular Programs
The LnL Extracurricular Programs serve to complement the formal academic curriculum, aiming to support LnL members in creating their own meaningful educational experiences. These programs are entirely student-driven, allowing participants to design and implement initiatives that align with their personal interests. Operating on a smaller scale than traditional coursework, these initiatives offer flexibility in terms of duration and format, allowing for customization to suit specific objectives. This adaptable structure enables students to develop essential skills in project management, leadership, and autonomous learning. By fostering an environment where learners can explore diverse interests beyond the confines of standard academic offerings, the Extracurricular Programs contribute significantly to the holistic development of students, preparing them for the complexities of real-world challenges and lifelong earning.
Social Integration
LnL members engage in diverse social integration activities, fostering camaraderie and cultivating a
sense of community, thereby strengthening their sense of belonging and expanding their cultural and social experiences. Prominent activities include culinary sessions in shared kitchens, historical explorations of Seoul, and community service initiatives. From 2025, a diverse array of social integration activities will be implemented, structured around monthly themes such as horticulture, physical fitness, and cultural expeditions.
The LnL program implements a structured mentoring system designed to support students’ psychological and practical adaptation while fostering academic achievement both within and beyond the LnL framework. The cornerstone of this initiative is a semesterly one-on-one consultation between each student and an upperclassman mentor. These sessions, built upon the rapport established between mentors and freshmen, encompass a wide spectrum of topics including LnL activities, university life acclimatization, interpersonal dynamics, and academic pursuits. The mentoring system is further enriched by the involvement of proctors and LnL professors.